5 insightful tips to help ground yourself after becoming a new parent

Whether you’re a seasoned professional or welcoming baby into the world as a first-time parent, it can all sometimes feel a bit much.

Being responsible for a tiny human being can be exhausting after taking care of only yourself for so long. You may be feeling a bit adrift and not very ‘you’ at the moment.

Although you may feel as though you’re currently in a funk that has long outlived its welcome, it's not impossible to find a little bit of peace by adopting a few simple habits. So, ignore the ‘to-do’ list (it’s not going anywhere), turn a blind eye to the washing up and leave the toys on the floor a while longer. Let’s put you first for 5 minutes.

1) …and breathe.
Breathing mindfully invites you to focus on how you're breathing and become intentional with your breath. Breathing slow and mindful essentially tells your nervous system that you are OK. Let’s give it a go. Try this:
Inhale for four seconds, hold the air in your lungs for four seconds, exhale for four seconds, and then hold your empty lungs for four seconds. Observe the changes in your mood after doing this several times.

2) Have a good old cry
Whenever your life gets overwhelming, a good cry can help you get back on your feet. The benefits of crying include helping us self-soothe, releasing toxins from our bodies, and enhancing sleep. Often, crying in front of your baby or child helps teach them how to regulate their own emotions, and that it's okay to have emotions. So, if you feel like you need it today, just let yourself go. Have a good cry.

3) Write, write, write
You don’t have to have a leather notebook, great handwriting and a fluffy pen; you just need to write. Journalling is a therapeutic technique that isn’t so different from writing in a diary. Journaling is an excellent way to organise your thoughts, prioritise what feels most important, and make a plan of action; it can also be helpful for tracking symptoms and discovering patterns.

4) Fresh air is your best friend
Getting enough sunlight on your skin and breathing some crisp, fresh air can help you recover from any indoor toxins, while greenery on a lovely walk might improve your cognitive ability and it always helps to see a few dogs too! If you’ve got a little one that is a natural explorer, now might be a good time to get the wellies on and get adventuring in the winter sun. Two birds with one stone, am I right?

5) Words of affirmation
Be honest here, how many times a day do you tell yourself that you aren’t capable of something, that you wish you did more, that you should have tried harder? If nobody else has told you this today, we’ll happily be the first: you’re doing enough! You'll be on your way to a better relationship with your mind and body if you replace that negative self-talk with affirmations like these:

  • “I am doing my best and that is enough…”

  • “I trust in my intuition to guide me in making decisions for my family…”

  • “I accept myself exactly as I am…”

  • “My body is strong, beautiful, and supports me every day…”

We totally get that you might not have time to do everything on this list when you’re in the middle of meltdown number 6, so be sure to take this advice one day at a time. By letting go of guilt and remembering that you're human, and full of emotions too, you'll be at peace with what you feel, and you'll be able to release pent-up negative emotions more easily.

One day at a time.


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