
It's no secret that what we put ON our bodies is just as important as what we put IN our bodies. Our skin absorbs everything it comes in contact with! So, when it comes to choosing bath products for your little one, it's important to choose wisely. Look for products that are free of harmful chemicals and fragrances, products that are gentle and won't strip the skin of its natural oils and products that will actually nourish the skin, instead of leaving it dry and irritated. When it comes to bath time, make sure you're using the best products for babies delicate skin. Now let’s talk about HOW we can do that using the products we have for you..

What products to use at bath time..

It's no secret that babies have sensitive skin. In fact, their skin is 30% thinner than that of an adult, making it more prone to dryness and irritation. This is why it's so important to choose products that are designed specifically for their delicate skin. Storksak products are made with natural ingredients that are gentle and effective, providing relief for even the most sensitive skin. With a wide range of products to choose from, you're sure to find the perfect solution for your little one. So don't wait any longer, give your baby the best possible care with Storksak.

“Row, row, row your boat gently down the stream..”

Have fun with it! Many new parents worry that they are not doing enough to help their baby's development. However, there are a number of simple activities that can support stimulation and development, including during bath time. Baby bath toys are a great way to engage your little one's senses. Touching and holding the toys can help with fine motor skills, while floats and moving toys can encourage visual tracking. Bath time is a great opportunity to bond with your baby and support their development - so enjoy it!

Last, but not least, the snuggliest part of bath time..

Our range of towels and washcloths are softer and more gentle on the skin, which can help to reduce irritation and inflammation. Made with natural fibres and free of harmful chemicals, these products will help to keep your child's skin healthy and happy.


As featured in Vogue…